Wednesday 9 November 2011

Views from Coll de Pal

The last (or one of the last) installments from Spain!
You may remember Coll de Pal is where I saw the Lammergeiers but they weren't the only cool thing I saw up there on the mountain tops!

This is my view from the hawk watch spot:

On the way up I diverted my route to get a closer look at this guy:
 After a quick search on Wikipedia I believe it's a Pyrenean Chamois...

The drive up the mountain was mostly through deciduous forests. With the setting sun and golden  leaves everything was glowing:

An early morning rise to see the sunrise was well worth it:

More mountains:

 Mountains everywhere!

I thought this picture was cool with the big sloping mountains in the foreground with more in the distance:

A typical view:

 From the very top!

And that's one reason why I love birds! I would certainly not have been there if it weren't for the birds.