Friday 11 November 2011

8 to go!

Recently I set a new goal of seeing 150 birds in Denmark before I leave. I was at 132 at the time and thought that it was attainable but still would need a bit of work.

So when I started writing this post it was titled "18 to go!"

Now just over a week later it's down to 8... so surely that's a good sign that it'll be successful.

So here are the next 9 birds I expect I will see:

Hen Harrier (Lifer)
Long-tailed Duck
Mediterranean Gull
Rock Pipit (Lifer)
RT Loon
Grey Wagtail

There are many species I could feasibly see but I think those ones are the most likely.
Here's a few more that I wouldn't be surprised if I see or that I really do want to see (i.e. if it shows up somewhere I will pursue it!)

Goshawk - I should really have this one by now as others have seen them in my patch! I just can't seem to connect...
Water Pipit (Lifer)
Black-throated Diver/Loon - Been desperate for one on my seawatches but they simply don't materialize!
Caspian Gull (Lifer)
Little Gull
Purple Sandpiper
Short-eared Owl
Eurasian Woodcock (lifer) - I'd be surprised if I do find one
Jack Snipe (lifer)
Black Woodpecker (lifer)
Long-tailed Tit
Bullfinch (Lifer)
Snow Bunting

Well... the more I think about it the more realistic birds I can think of...

Anyway, it's fun to make lists like this and compare them to what you actually find/see! It gives you an indication of how well you can predict migration as well as your ability to predict where and when a species can be found.

In other news:

Check out this Duck that was flying past the speed limit (old article).

And a cool BBC video - I'm happy the guy didn't kill the Vulture. I feel as though most people would kill the bird in that situation!

And How Woodpeckers Avoid Head Injury