Saturday 10 December 2011

To the sea again

With recent high winds I was hoping for some interesting seabirds to be on the move this morning.

The sea was rather calm and held the usual birds.

A fly-by Long-tailed Duck was my first for Denmark bringing me to 149. One more to go!

I made my way over to the Pygmy Owl spot to see if it was home today. I'm hoping to get some decent digiscoped shots of it eventually. Time is running short though with only 12 days left!

This rather tame Robin was on the look out for hand outs - probably tamed after hundreds of visitors to see the Pygmy Owl:

The Owl did show itself today, but didn't allow for good photos once it emerged:

And of course, the White-throated Dippers were in their usual spot.

Yesterday I spent some time trying to get better shots at a low angle. Definitely an improvement from previous sessions with the Dipper but there's one shot that I'm envisioning but haven't been able to produce, so until then I'll keep showing you these:

Digiscoping is very capable of creating detailed up-close shots:

One drawback is that it is difficult to photograph an off-center bird, resulting in mediocre framing of the bird (would have preferred more space in front of the bird here):

And going for a dip: