Thursday 1 December 2011

The Battle of Prioritizing!

School is getting in the way of the constant battle of identifying birds.

Not only has the winter season officially begun today but exam season has as well (last class was today). So that means that I shouldn't be out wandering around .... but I still need two birds for my DK list to reach 150! And I'm sure my priorities may shift from one to the other over the next few weeks.

Last weekend I dragged a friend out to show him some birds. The White-throated Dipper was a guaranteed bird:

While our short search for the Pygmy Owl was unsuccessful. Could be anywhere in here:

He was happy to see the Tawny Owl though.

This is the mushroom-pickers house - or at least I imagine he lives there:

And the castle:

I've finally begun to research some of the birds and birding in Singapore (moving there in January) and realized that Borneo was a cheap $100 flight away! How can I resist that...

Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia trips are all hopefully going to happen as well... which means I've ordered many bird guides, have a lot of trip reports to read and many birds to study!