Monday 5 November 2012

Hamilton Fall Count

Yesterday I joined the Burrell family + another local birder to count birds in Cambridge - just within the radius of the Hamilton Fall Count.

It was nice to get out after studying all week and becoming increasingly jealous of the crazy birds being found recently...

Some of my personal highlights were 5 Evening Grosbeaks that flew overhead and dutifully landed on a feeder right next to us! Beautiful birds!
And 2 Red-shouldered Hawks actively migrating over Bannister Lake.

Sandhill Cranes are still at Bannister Lake:

Despite not birding much last month I still submitted my second highest number of eBird checklists for any month (130), and saw about 115 species of birds.
After this week my schedule is looking oddly clear - so who knows, I might actually get a chance to get out more regularly... The gulls are beckoning.


In other news, two Newfoundland birders recently started blogging about their adventures - check them out:
Bruce Mactavish
Doug Clark