Sunday 23 October 2011


I've been reluctant to do a seawatch from the coast here in Denmark because I was warned that it wasn't so good here. I guess that's true if you compare it to some places in the UK or Newfoundland. But in comparison to Ontario, which is where I've done most of my birding over the past few years, it's pretty good - well at least by todays results.

Recent reports on the local bird sightings forum showed an increase in Gannets and a small increase in Alcids being seen around Denmark. So I tried my luck and scoped the seas.

I started by finding only the usual birds. Common Eiders, Common Gulls...etc
Eventually I found an Alcid flying by that landed straight out from where I was. The blunt bill confirmed my suspicions that it was a Razorbill - bird 130 for DK!
A couple Great Crested Grebes flew by confusing me for a while, a Guillemot (aka Common Murre in NAmerica) made its way South and then I found a 2nd year Gannet slowly flying South - a bird I was really hoping for in Denmark!

Not a bad day :)

distant shot of the Gannet: