Friday 27 April 2012

One week to go

... and one more exam to go.
I managed to get out for some birding this afternoon. The local grasslands were beckoning. I branded this spot as my patch within my first month in S'pore, but have been really slacking with coverage lately.

Although I did manage to find a Common Kestrel there a few weeks ago. I heard it was only the 2nd record in Western SG, and the only one recorded so far this year. I didn't realize their status when I found it, luckily I did grab a few distant shots - no one believed me when I first claimed this bird without showing pics ;)  (I would say the status is equivalent to a Swainson's Hawk in Ontario) :

Luckily some other birders managed to see the bird a few days later.

Raptors are actually rather common in Singapore. Probably the most common is the Brahminy Kite:

Blue-throated Bee-eaters are beautiful resident birds in SG:

And of course there are plenty of butterflies. I haven't put any effort to identify many of them though.

I'll try to post some more pictures of the local insects before I return to Canada!