Monday 9 April 2012

Bird Song Quiz #10

Participation has been dropping lately, so to re-energize these I'll change the medium. A youtube video + no delay for the answers to arrive.

Last week I came across the videos of Garth McElroy and Jim Zipp on youtube - they have many great clips of the birds singing with a lot of background species too - which is what I like :)
Check out their website here and even better, a list of their videos here.

Remember to fill in the questions while you're watching!

Let me know if you think this is easier to use, or any other feedback is welcomed as well! And if there's a mistake please let me know asap!

Answers to quiz #9:

Connecticut Warbler sang at 0:07-0:09.
Nashville Warbler at 0:19-0:20.
Yellow-bellied/Least Flycatcher at 0:32-0:33 (both participants guessed Least)

Interestingly the Flycatcher was recorded as a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, but it sure does sound like a Least, except that it doesn't sing continuously (as you would expect from a LEFL).
There was a good discussion about their songs here - I suspect that many YBFL's are overlooked because people assume that they're LEFL's.