Wednesday 14 March 2012

Thailand: Day 3

You didn't think the trip reports stopped after 2 days did you!

Here are some photo highlights from the 3rd day (I'm starting to forget the details of what actually happened, so I'm relying more on photos to tell the story).

Pied Fantail - these guys were pretty common but every time I tried photographing them they quickly flew away, only for this one to land right in front of me while I was photographing a Whiskered Tern.

Spoonie - this was the only day I really tried to get a proper photo of these birds. Unfortunately the only bird we found on the 3rd day was against the sun and it wasn't possible to get to the other side without flushing the hundreds of Curlews.

Whiskered Tern - this individual had claims on this pole and frequently came back despite my presence:

Black-tailed Godwit - the only godwit species with a straight bill - although it's not very straight:

Little Green Bee-eater:

Red-wattled Lapwing:

A last minute find was this Asian Dowitcher, one of my top 3 target birds - terrible picture because it was well after sunset:

Whiskered Tern:

Green Bee-eater:

Don't forget to try out the quiz below! So far only one person has got them all correct.