Tuesday 18 December 2012

Tuesday birding

Made my way around town again this morning - but this time in the other direction.

First birds I saw were the 10 Evening Grosbeaks from yesterday:

Down the trail was a small flock of Bohemian Waxwings:

The flock of Tufted Ducks were at the harbour including the leucistic one. What species do you think it is?
The lack of tuft may indicate something other than Tufted Duck, but the black on the bill tip, and head shape don't fit well with Lesser Scaup...

2 adult Common Gulls were also at the harbour - no sign of the 2nd winter Common Gull today:

The Ruddy Duck was easy to find at Quidi Vidi:

A few Greater Scaups were around Quidi Vidi as well:

Another day, another Coot:

The only Lesser Black-backed Gull I saw today was this 3rd winter gull:

Best bird of the day came just as I was returning home, this Black-and-white Warbler was busily foraging in my neighbours trees: