Sunday 25 September 2011


That's the spot where 3 Yellow-browed Warblers were seen yesterday. 3 out of 6 that have ever been seen there... all in one day!

This morning I found myself walking around the area searching for migrants and mostly for Yellow-browed Warblers. I only came across the usuals:

Meadow Pipits, Northern Wheatears, 1 Eurasian Wren and 2 Chiffchaffs.

After coming home I checked the online sightings for Denmark only to see that someone had seen a Yellow-browed Warbler at the same time I was there!
I clicked on the 'comment' that was written for the sighting and with the help of Google Translate it turns out that the guy only heard the warbler do a chip note and never actually saw it... right on.
There's always tomorrow!

Anyway, Common Eiders in this part of the universe are surprisingly tame:

And Black-headed Gulls are very common as expected:

I'm putting together an article of Meadow Pipit vs. American Pipit. I (and apparently many other NL birders) think that Meadow Pipit is long overdue for North America so I think the post could come in handy!