Monday 12 September 2011

Ølsemagle Revle

I think I change the spelling of that place every time I write it.

We decided to walk the whole beach on Saturday - a 9.15 km hike according to Google Maps! It was worth it despite our heavy packs - we were able to cash in on the plum trees and we came across all of the shorebird and duck flocks along the way. Most people limit themselves by only walking one third of the beach a day.

The walk began with a dock out on the ocean. For me I can hardly believe the water is actually sea water because there are barely any waves and the water is very shallow:

Soon enough we were enjoying great looks at the thousands of roosting Golden Plovers:

Afterwards we made the treacherous 10 meter crossing through ankle-deep water:

This time I took a video of the roosting shorebirds - there's actually 14 species of shorebirds in this video alone!:


Check out this article:

Next weekend we're off to the mountains in search of Gyrfalcons! To be honest, I don't think we'll see many birds - but the ones we do see should be exciting!