After a somewhat late night I woke up early and rode my bike to downtown St. John's.
First order of business was to relocate the Townsend's Warbler that was found on the St. John's CBC on Boxing Day. After almost an hour of scouring the area I heard a warbler chip, turned around to locate it and then saw Bruce Mactavish point to the bird.
For the next hour or so it fed in the same area allowing great looks for several onlookers:
A nearby Red-breasted Merganser was rather tame:

After scoring the TOWA, I biked down the road to check out the Pied-billed Grebe that has been in the area for over a week:
Two of the three Common Gulls were at the other side of the harbour:
In the afternoon I located two female Pine Grosbeaks - they appeared to be feeding on tree buds...
The 'only' other 'warbler' I saw today was the Yellow-breasted Chat in my yard! :p
There was a dramatic sunset over the St. John's harbour this afternoon: