Monday 6 February 2012

Kranji Marsh

On Sunday morning I joined 2 local birders to check out another birding hotspot in Singapore.

Kranji Marsh is essentially a short road with forest on one side, fields on the other side and a marshy area at the end of the road.

6 individual Purple Swamphens were well seen out in the open at the end of the road. This one stood out long enough for a photo:

Collared Kingfishers are common but usually rather timid. However, this one was very tame:

Common Iora's are common in Singapore:

Baya Weaver was a lifer for this trip:

As was Rusty-breasted Cuckoo - I didn't manage to get a photo of this one looking towards the camera but I did take a video which I'll upload soon:

After 1 month and 1 day my Singapore list is at 146! At the same point in Denmark I was at 112 and ended off with 153. And including all of Europe I had seen 137 within the same time frame.
Naturally the new birds will be difficult to find from now on but I have a few families that could easily help me out: Owls and Seabirds. Conveniently there's an owling session this coming weekend that I'm signed up for and potentially a pelagic in mid-March - so I think it might be feasible to hit 200 birds in Singapore by the time I leave in early May... it won't be easy though.