Tuesday 12 May 2015

May 12 Pelagic Trip

Things lined up today to finally allow me to join Ian Jones on one of his semi-regular pelagic extravaganzas. We spent the day, with Neil Aitken, roaming the high seas looking for any sort of wildlife and cool scenery.

The seabird colonies in the Witless Bay Ecological Reserve were teaming with alcids. Other highlights included 2 small icebergs, amazing coastal scenery, and 16 Red-necked Phalaropes.

Here's the route we took:

Razorbills were concentrated around Pee Pee and Ship island, whereas Common Murres were more numerous around the larger islands (Great & Gull Island):

Bridled Common Murres were nice to see:

The average Common Murre:

Hard to mis-identify this one:

Total fluke photograph of one of the RN Phalarope flocks we came across:

Surprisingly few BL Kittiwakes on the cliff faces.

View of Bay Bulls lighthouse from offshore:

One of the breeding islands in the background here: