Saturday 17 November 2012

Peep @ Presqu'ile

Joined a few birders, today, to chase an unusual sandpiper that was found at Presqu'ile Provincial Park this morning.

The consensus seems to be that it is a 1st winter (basic) Least Sandpiper with some remnants of its summer plumage.

The pale leg colour apparently wasn't noticeable this morning when it was first found. However, there are several photos that show an obvious yellow/green colour to the legs.

It's getting late for a Least Sandpiper in Ontario, and LESA's in Ontario rarely begin molting into basic plumage while they're here. Which explains why this bird 'looked different' than what one would normally expect.

There seem to be some feathers remaining from its juvenile plumage, which can be seen in the wing coverts - adding to the confusion.

Check out this phenomenal primer on shorebird molt!

Here's our eBird list from the location.

Off to do what I should have been doing today :S