Tuesday 1 March 2011

New and improved

I've upgraded the Blog so that it is more like a 'real' one after some suggestions from readers. I tried making it look as much like the original blog page that I had but couldn't figure everything out. If I find the motivation to figure out the code I may give it a go again.
Anyway, for now I have put last Sunday's post here to make sure I have figured out all the odds and ends and to give the blog some substance for now.

From Feb. 27:
I decided to explore Humber Bay Park today. I've never been there before and I'm not too sure why it is so appealing to a lot of other birders and photographers. It is more convenient to get to compared to The Spit, so that may be one reason. 
I did come across a new bird for the year, which is always good when you become obsessive and competitive with the other eBirders out there!! 
Two people were already photographing this Northern Mockingbird as it was sitting in a bush. As soon as they left it perched in a small tree giving great looks and good photo opportunities.

Considering the proximity to The Spit it's interesting that the two parks can offer different birds and different numbers. There were several hundred Scaup, which I have yet to see in those numbers along The Spit. Two Ruddy Ducks were another species I haven't seen at The Spit. But you can always expect to see Mute Swans at both parks: 

and Buffleheads:

If you'd like to see more photos of the Swans, Buffleheads or Mockingbirds you can click on these links: