Wednesday 18 November 2020

VERMILION FLYCATCHER - Stephenville (Newfoundland)

 With eBird being down for all of 48 hours it's not as easy to share photos today!

Discovered today by Kathy Marche. The first record for Newfoundland and Labrador...

Location of the Vermillion Fly is the port of Stephenville - across from Indian Head. White circle shows the strip of land where it was seen:

Photos of the bird:

Temperatures of -2 and snow squalls as I type in Stephenville...

Same observer who found an unidentified empid 2 weeks ago, that was thought to be a probable Dusky Flycatcher... also would have been a first for the province. 

Tundra Swan, Red-headed Woodpecker (2nd provincial record) on the other side in the past few weeks...West coast is the best coast??

Good luck!