Tuesday, 10 February 2015

A Mid-Winter Storm

Thursday has fierce NE winds in the forecast (not to mention 35 cm of snow), that in combination with the approaching sea ice, causes one to wish for some fun arctic birds!

Marine forecasts are set at 50knots from the Northeast on Thursday morning!

Winds will be moderately far-reaching - this image shows the forecast for Thursday at noon:

Some birds on the radar are: alcids (esp. Dovekie), Black-legged Kittiwake, Ivory Gull, and to a much lesser extent, Ross's Gull.......!

Friday morning might be a better chance for the 2 gems on that list.

Sea ice from today:

This time last year, the sea ice was more or less in the same area: 

Dovekies generally become scarce near-shore at this time of year - but Thursday/Friday might be a different story.

I don't hope for a snow-day very often. But I am this week!