Saturday 20 July 2013

Mackenzie Delta species list

A boring post here...
Simply a list of all the bird species I saw in the Mackenzie Delta with the percentage of eBird checklists that included that species!

I underlined the two most interesting species/percentages:

  • The European Starling was way out of range (1000km), but didn't spark much excitement in our group!
  • The Gyrfalcon was another unexpected bird, except this time we were excited to see it and it stuck around for the entire duration of our stay because a pair had a nest a mere 500m from our camp! I'll be devoting a post to those birds eventually...

Total # of species: 76
Total # of eBird checklists: 47
Time period: 6 June, 2013 - 12 July, 2013
Location: Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories

Species Name Percentage
Greater White-fronted Goose 94%
Snow Goose 4%
Brant 4%
Cackling Goose 17%
Canada Goose 9%
Cackling/Canada Goose 64%
Tundra Swan 89%
Gadwall 2%
American Wigeon 68%
Mallard 55%
Northern Shoveler 89%
Northern Pintail 96%
Green-winged Teal 36%
Canvasback 6%
Greater Scaup 2%
Lesser Scaup 85%
Surf Scoter 2%
White-winged Scoter 36%
Long-tailed Duck 30%
Common Goldeneye 2%
Red-breasted Merganser 17%
Willow Ptarmigan 21%
Red-throated Loon 30%
Pacific Loon 79%
Horned Grebe 2%
Golden Eagle 2%
Northern Harrier 51%
Bald Eagle 15%
Rough-legged Hawk 17%
Sandhill Crane 89%
Black-bellied Plover 6%
American Golden-Plover 13%
Semipalmated Plover 72%
Spotted Sandpiper 2%
Lesser Yellowlegs 15%
Whimbrel 60%
Hudsonian Godwit 49%
Sanderling 2%
Semipalmated Sandpiper 28%
Least Sandpiper 57%
White-rumped Sandpiper 2%
Pectoral Sandpiper 64%
Stilt Sandpiper 66%
Long-billed Dowitcher 19%
Wilson's Snipe 72%
Red-necked Phalarope 77%
Red Phalarope 2%
Sabine's Gull 6%
Bonaparte's Gull 2%
Mew Gull 2%
Glaucous Gull 87%
Arctic Tern 66%
Pomarine Jaeger 2%
Parasitic Jaeger 70%
Long-tailed Jaeger 6%
Merlin 6%
Gyrfalcon 55%
Peregrine Falcon 13%
Common Raven 64%
Tree Swallow 2%
Bank Swallow 15%
Gray-cheeked Thrush 2%
American Robin 11%
European Starling 2%
American Pipit 15%
Lapland Longspur 40%
Northern Waterthrush 51%
Yellow Warbler 79%
Wilson's Warbler 6%
American Tree Sparrow 81%
Savannah Sparrow 87%
Fox Sparrow 13%
White-crowned Sparrow 6%
Dark-eyed Junco 2%
Rusty Blackbird 4%
Common Redpoll 83%
Hoary Redpoll 2%