Sunday 12 June 2011

Back to the Carden

On Saturday I once again joined many birders to count birds around the Carden Alvar. As mentioned previously this is one my favourite places to explore in Ontario and every time I go it gets better! Even though we didn't see anything different or unexpected I still really enjoy being out there wandering around the grassland.

To get there shortly after the sunrise means waking up at 3am for those of us in Toronto. But it's worth it.

Soon enough we're all organized into our teams and we are trucked out to our locations and the birding begins!
Before my group even started we had found 3 Golden-winged Warblers singing:

The counts resulted in the highest counts of Grasshopper Sparrow and high counts of Brown Thrasher:

While doing counts we also take time to observe any other eye catching animals:

And of course butterflies and dragonflies/damselflies are sought after:
Common Ringlet:

American Copper:

Damselfly of some sort... a female Violet Dancer perhaps? :

And many species of flower are evident there:

especially Prairie Smoke:

and Indian Paint Brush:

Never a dull day when you're out exploring the outdoors!

A field of Prairie Smoke:

Close up on a patch of Prairie Smoke:

An individual Prairie Smoke flower:

The Carden plains:

Golden-winged Warbler singing into the sun: