Saturday 19 September 2015

Sept 19th Birding

This morning while birding the Cape Race road I heard a repeated loud "chok" call that I couldn't quite recognize. I walked towards the source and pished a few times only to see a warbler with bright yellow underparts and darker upper parts flush across an open area. My immediate thought was Hooded Warbler even though the chip wasn't quite right. A few minutes of impatient pishing and squeaking and I caught a glimpse of the bird again but still couldn't quite figure it out. Eventually it flew right out into the open and I was genuinely surprised to see a Kentucky Warbler staring right back at me!

This was my best ever look at a Kentucky Warbler! A species I've often day-dreamed of finding for myself.

Among 8 species of warbler seen today were 4 American Redstarts:

And a total of 10 Baltimore Orioles! That'x exactly as many as I saw in the entire year of 2014. Obviously a lot have moved in recent days!

September is probably the best month for birding in Newfoundland! There's a constant stream of new birds, and a high yield of vagrants.

Two gulls at Mundy Pond recently:

Black-headed Gull (in back with red bill), and Bonaparte's Gull (in front)