Sunday 15 December 2013

Ferryland CBC 2013

Yesterday 8 birders covered areas between Cape Broyle & Bear Cove for the Ferryland CBC. I joined Anne Hughes to cover Admiral's Cove, Cape Broyle, & Calvert (the Northern area of the count). This was my 3rd year doing the count.

The weather was very cold but started off great with no wind. The wind became stronger throughout the day making the birding increasingly difficult. We were hoping that the recent snow fall and cold temperatures would force birds into concentrated areas (around feeders, or any bit of open water they could find) - to a certain extent that did happen but not as much as we had hoped.

Highlights for my group were a single Orange-crowned Warbler in Admiral's Cove, and a female Wood Duck living it up in a roadside ditch (can you find the duck):

Other highlights were a large flock of Cedar Waxwings: 

And a Sharp-shinned Hawk vs Hairy Woodpecker chase, that ended with the woodpecker getting away:
Empty taloned

Species NameDec 14Dec 15Dec 16Dec 17Dec 18Dec 19Dec 20
Wood Duck1
American Black Duck21
Greater Scaup2
Common Loon5
Great Cormorant4
Sharp-shinned Hawk1
Northern Goshawk1
Bald Eagle1
Black Guillemot7
Herring Gull13
Iceland Gull3
Glaucous Gull1
Belted Kingfisher3
Hairy Woodpecker1
Northern Flicker3
Blue Jay1
American Crow30
Common Raven5
Black-capped Chickadee25
Boreal Chickadee15
Golden-crowned Kinglet22
American Robin4
European Starling210
Cedar Waxwing55
Orange-crowned Warbler1
Song Sparrow16
White-throated Sparrow1
Dark-eyed Junco270
Pine Grosbeak3
Purple Finch15
Pine Siskin1
American Goldfinch13
House Sparrow2