Friday 21 December 2012

Cape Spear

Cape Spear is the most easterly point in North America, and as with many unique geographic locations, it attracts unusual birds. Today there was a notable lack of birds - just a few Iceland Gulls flying offshore, the odd Great Cormorant commuting by the point, and a single passerine.

Yesterday I found an unusually tame Lapland Longspur at the point. I returned today, hoping I would get a chance to photograph the bird and maybe turn it into something else. I've never really had a good look at this species before, so that was another good excuse to go as well.

It was pretty late in the day when I got a chance to get out there, so it was a bit dark to get great photos.

Cape Spear lighthouse:

There have been some pretty big swells these past few days, and the erosion is very noticeable below the lighthouse. Only a matter of time before it'll no longer be there!


Tomorrow is the Cape Race CBC. I've never been on this count, so I'm looking forward to it!