Now they've pretty much eaten all the berries and I don't see them anymore. I do hear the adults singing occasionally. Hopefully they've found a new food source elsewhere.

(not digiscoped)
Straw-headed Bulbuls are one of the 'specialty' birds of Singapore. I understand that they're rather difficult to see in the rest of their range. So I was very lucky to be able to record the juveniles from my window :)
The other local is the Buffy Fish-Owl, who I saw literally 5 days in a row, it was within a ten minute walk from my room. It doesn't get much better than that!
Unfortunately, the bird all but disappeared on the 5th day. I've frequently checked back without success.
Nothing else of note lately, trying to clear up some random work before heading back to Canada.
Here's a photo of a random fish that we saw on one of our pelagics.
It was actually at the dock so wasn't technically on the pelagic:
Do you see the small guy 'hitching' a ride?
Don't forget about the quiz below!